Peace and hope in paper
California town's origami cranes help Virginia Tech heal
In the aftermath of an angry student's murderous rampage on the Virginia Tech campus last April, people tried to make sense of the senseless — and offered their help.
What can we do? What can we send? The university's response: Send paper cranes. Send symbols of peace and hope.
In Japanese tradition, the person who folds 1,000 origami cranes is granted a wish, such as for prosperity or good health. They're given at weddings and to the gravely ill.
>>> Bagi seorang Muslim, keyakinan akan kesembuhan dan pengabul setiap harapan adalah hanya Izin dan Kuasa Allah SWT, sedangkan bila dikatakan bahwa Origami berfungsi sebagai terapi penyembuhan dan terapi mengurangi rasa sakit itu betul!
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